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Interdisciplinary Digital Portfolio


All students, upon leaving Hillside Middle School should demonstrate the following skills and proficiencies:

  • Conduct basic research, drawing on several sources while assessing the credibility and accuracy of each source, including the development of a works cited list (Common Core Standards W.8.7, W.8.8) (Tool: Search engines)

  • Compose an Informative/Explanatory composition (Common Core Standard W.8.2) (Tool: Google Docs)

  • Develop a professional resume or multimedia reel to showcase skills (21st century career skills) (Tool: Google Docs or other multimedia tool)

  • Present information, emphasizing salient points with relevant information, integrating multimedia and visual displays (Common Core Standards SL.8.4, SL.8.5) (Tool: Google Slides)

  • Students will collect data, generate a graph and analyze the graph to describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities. (Common Core Standard 8.F.B.5) (Tool: Google Sheets)

We believe that students need to begin exploring possible career pathways that are meaningful for them and that represent STEAM (in a broad sense).

Visit the Portfolio website to follow along all of the assignments, see the rubric and monitor the timelines.

Visit Portfolio Day

Please RSVP if you would like to visit Portfolio Day. Due to limited space, we can only accommodate a limited number of guests. Sign up sheet will be available in late January.