All students, upon leaving Hillside Middle School should demonstrate the following skills and proficiencies:
Conduct basic research, drawing on several sources while assessing the credibility and accuracy of each source, including the development of a works cited list (Common Core Standards W.8.7, W.8.8) (Tool: Search engines)
Compose an Informative/Explanatory composition (Common Core Standard W.8.2) (Tool: Google Docs)
Develop a professional resume or multimedia reel to showcase skills (21st century career skills) (Tool: Google Docs or other multimedia tool)
Present information, emphasizing salient points with relevant information, integrating multimedia and visual displays (Common Core Standards SL.8.4, SL.8.5) (Tool: Google Slides)
Students will collect data, generate a graph and analyze the graph to describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities. (Common Core Standard 8.F.B.5) (Tool: Google Sheets)
We believe that students need to begin exploring possible career pathways that are meaningful for them and that represent STEAM (in a broad sense).
Visit Portfolio Day
Please RSVP if you would like to visit Portfolio Day. Due to limited space, we can only accommodate a limited number of guests. Sign up sheet will be available in late January.