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 Acquarelli, Kenna  Math and Science
 Bock, Tawny  Math and Science
 Coleman, David  ELA and Social Studies
 Ellis, Dustin  Math and Science
 Heavyside, Dena  ELA, Social Studies, and EL Support
 Keller, Andrea  SAI ELA, Social Studies, and Study Skills
 Lazarus, Robyn  SAI Math, Science, and Study Skills
 Miller, Mair  ELA and Social Studies
 Stafford, Jennifer  ELA and Social Studies
 Steele, Audra  Math, Science, and Math 180
 Wozniak, Josie  ELA, Social Studies, Theater, and Play Production




1st 200 Hallway Rules

Students should only enter the hallway after 8:00 a.m. as there are zero period classes being held prior to that. Also, no phones are allowed in the hallway (before school, during passing periods, or lunch). Cell phones are to be in student’s locker or backpack and turned off.

Independent Reading

Students will receive a grade for independent reading that may include Accelerated Reader quizzes, news articles, and other reading from teacher-recommended websites. Students who score below grade level may be referred to an intervention class in place of an elective.


Students are expected to record homework assignments (including group projects and studying for tests) in their agenda book or personal planner. Homework is typically assigned Monday through Thursday. If students work diligently they should be able to complete their homework during Student Support Period. Late work will be accepted for reduced credit until the end of the unit (only for Academic classes). Classwork that has not been completed or projects requiring research may need to be completed at home.


SOAR occurs Wednesday and Thursday and is an opportunity for students to study, work on group projects, read, complete homework/classwork, absent work, or seek help from their teachers. Sixth-grade students are only allowed to go to one of their academic classes for SOAR unless other arrangements have been made and permission given by one of their teachers.